Past Endorsements

Small Business Association of Michigan

Right to Life of Michigan PAC

Fraternal Order of Police

Michigan Farm Bureau Agri-Pac

Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Citizens for Traditonal Values


“Aric Nesbitt stands with law enforcement, ensuring we are funded and supported to protect the citizens of Berrien County. I endorse Aric because we can trust him to stand with us, listen to our priorities, and put public safety first.”

-Paul Bailey, Berrien County Sheriff

“Aric Nesbitt is a strong conservative, unafraid to stand up for our principles and defend our values. I endorse Aric because we need more conservative leadership to fight for freedom, reduce the tax burden, and protect Michigan from Governor Whitmer and the radical liberal Democrats.”

-Kim LaSata, State Senator

Senator Nesbitt has worked tirelessly to make Michigan a safer, more prosperous place for people to live and raise a family.  His values and dedication to serving the people of Michigan are needed now more than ever in Lansing. 

-Steve Pierangeli, Berrien County Prosecutor


“I have worked side by side with Aric for many years and continue to be impressed with his ability to understand complicated issues and to apply a conservative response that fits our common sense Southwest Michigan values.  He is an effective leader and will listen first and then work hard to create an environment that will help our families, our small businesses and our hard-working taxpayers succeed.”

-John Proos, Former State Senator

“Aric Nesbitt is an effective conservative who is working to improve our economy, expand broadband access, and support local infrastructure. I endorse Aric because he will stand for our principles, listen, work hard, and achieve results.”

-Al Pscholka, Former State Representative

“Aric Nesbitt grew up on a dairy farm, so he understands the value of hard work and agriculture in Berrien County. Aric is a conservative champion, works hard, and shares our priorities of improving our economy, defending our values, and stopping Governor Whitmer’s reckless liberal policies. I fully endorse Aric Nesbitt for State Senate.”

-Pauline Wendzel, State Representative


“On behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police throughout Michigan, we are pleased to endorse Aric Nesbitt for State. We know he understands that the job of law enforcement has never been more difficult.  Aric is committed to protecting the safety of both our members and the residents of our state. Additionally, Aric’s commitment to his community, his leadership, and his experience in government makes him the clear choice for State Senate.”

-Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge of Michigan


“Aric Nesbitt understands and will work to strengthen the economy and limit government. He’s committed to the free enterprise system and will cut burdensome rules & regulations to allow job growth and businesses to expand. Aric is the pro-jobs, pro-business, and pro-taxpayer Candidate.”

Michigan Chamber of Commerce Endorsement


“Aric has a strong family farming background and clearly understands the issues our farmers are dealing with day in and day out.  He was a strong and vocal advocate for agriculture… and he clearly understands, appreciates and respects agriculture’s contribution to Michigan’s economy. AgriPac is proud to endorse Aric Nesbitt as a “Friend of Agriculture.”

-Michigan Farm Bureau “Friends of Agriculture” Endorsement

2018 Endorsements

“On behalf of the Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, we would like to thank you for your prolife commitment to the protection of human life, born and unborn. Therefore, the RLM-PAC is honored to endorse your candidacy in the August 7, 2018 primary election.”

Barbara Listing, President, President RLM & Paul Miller, Chair, RLM-PAC
Right to Life of Michigan PAC Endorsement Letter

“Aric Nesbitt is a strong conservative leader, who will work hard to protect our West Michigan values. Aric will work to limit government spending, pay down debt, cut taxes, defend our 2nd Amendment Rights, and end sanctuary cities. His strong character and work ethic will serve Allegan, Kent, and Van Buren Counties well and that is why I strongly endorse him to be my State Senator.”

Tonya Schuitmaker, State Senator

“Aric has a strong family farming background and clearly understands the issues our farmers are dealing with day in and day out. He was a strong and vocal advocate for agriculture during his tenure in the Michigan House of Representatives, and he clearly understands, appreciates and respects agriculture’s contribution to Michigan’s economy. AgriPac is proud to endorse Aric Nesbitt as a “Friend of Agriculture.”

Michigan Farm Bureau “Friends of Agriculture” Endorsement

“On behalf of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police throughout Michigan, we are pleased to endorse Aric Nesbitt for State Senate in the 26th district. We know he understands that the job of law enforcement has never been more difficult. Aric is committed to protecting the safety of both our members and the residents of our state. Additionally, Aric’s commitment to his community, his leadership, and his experience in government makes him the clear choice for State Senate.”

David A. Hiller, Executive Director
Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge of Michigan

“We are pleased to endorse Aric Nesbitt for State Senate because of his proven commitment to the sanctity of life, religious liberties and our conservative principles.”

Citizens for Traditional Values Endorsement

“We need legislative leaders that values law enforcement and the sacrifice they make everyday to protect our families. Aric Nesbitt has the experience and leadership needed to work with police officers to confront the opioid epidemic, stop human trafficking, and promote law-and-order. This is why we have endorsed Aric for State Senate.”

Rob Figurski, Legislative Chair
Michigan Association of Police Organizations Endorsement

“Having served with Aric Nesbitt, I know he will be a strong, conservative leader for Allegan County. He’s a champion of our shared values; lower taxes, less government, and more freedom, while being a strong defender of the right to life and our 2nd Amendment rights. The eight years I’ve known Aric, he’s a person of integrity, honesty, and hope. Please join me in strongly supporting Aric to be our next State Senator for Allegan County.”

Mary Whiteford, State Representative, Allegan County

“Kent County needs Aric Nesbitt in the State Senate. He is a conservative who represents strong, common sense, leadership. Having worked with Aric, I know he is as a man of integrity and honesty, someone we can trust to get the job done for West Michigan, representing our values, and help defend Michigan’s comeback.”

Ken Yonker, State Representative (2011-2016), Kent County

“Kentwood needs the very best representing us in Lansing. Aric Nesbitt has a proven track record of working with others to strengthen the economy, limit government, and defend our West Michigan values. I know he will work hard to improve our quality of life in Kent County. Please join me in supporting Aric Nesbitt for State Senate.”

Bob Coughlin, Kentwood City Commissioner

“Those of us blessed to live in West Michigan understand that our quality of life is a direct result of the values that we hold dear and the expectation that our elected leaders will adhere to these values as they shape sound public policy. Growing up on a farm Aric learned the lessons of hard work and patience. His years at Hillsdale College instilled in him an appreciation for the ideals of American freedom and liberty. His years in past public service gives him the necessary experience to qualify for your consideration to serve us in the Michigan Senate. Please join with me and Vote Nesbitt for Michigan Senate.”

Al McGeehan, Mayor, City of Holland (Retired)

“Aric Nesbitt has the honesty, integrity, and Christian values needed to make government more efficient. He worked with Governor Snyder to repeal the Michigan Business tax, remove 2,300 burdensome rules & regulations, and pay down debt has meant big dividends to for job growth in West Michigan. Aric is a strong conservative, pro-life leader who gets results. Please join us as we vote for Republican Aric Nesbitt for State Senate.”

Jay & Kathleen Morren, Gaines Township, Business owner

“The free enterprise principles that serve as the bedrock of a free and prosperous society must be defended in order for Michigan citizens to continue growing jobs and building our communities. Aric Nesbitt is a leader who has always held true to those time-honored principles and will fight to defend them as a state senator.”

Associated Builders and Contractors of Michigan Endorsement

“Having volunteered on Aric Nesbitt’s first campaign, I’ve known him to be dedicated to repairing Lansing and get Michigan back to work. He’s always been laser focused on conservative results, including paying down debt, growing our economy, protecting Michigan jobs, providing students and parents more choices, and making Michigan more competitive. I’m proud to be voting for Aric Nesbitt to be my next State Senator!”

State Representative Beth Griffin, Van Buren County

“Aric Nesbitt’s commitment and dedication to our area is unparalleled. Kent County and Gaines Township will continue to benefit by his principled leadership. Aric has the experience, integrity, and work ethic necessary to be our effective State Senator to help grow our economy, balance budgets, and pay down debt.”

-Emily Post Brieve, Kent County Commissioner for Gaines Township

“Aric has repeatedly demonstrated his understanding of the challenges facing Michigan’s small business community. Aric has served as a tireless advocate for our state’s most productive economic resource; our small businesses.”

David C. Rhoa, Past Chair Small Business Association of Michigan

“Aric Nesbitt has proven himself to be an extremely effective legislator delivering results for West Michigan. He has the unique ability to face challenges head on and craft common sense solutions to make our state government more effective and efficient. Additionally, Aric’s listening skills, experience and leadership will serve Allegan County well in efforts to defend Michigan’s comeback.”

Joyce Watts, former Allegan County Clerk & Register of Deeds

“Aric is what a public servant should be. He listens to the people he serves. He leads. He is a principled problem-solver.”

Paul Hillegonds, Allegan County State Representative (1979-1996)

“Aric Nesbitt has a track record of being a leader and a problem solver. If elected to the Senate, we know he will be focused on continuing to grow the Michigan economy.”

Rick Baker, President & CEO of the Grand Rapids Chamber
Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce Endorsement

“It is important we have the best representing us and protecting our values at the State Capitol. I have known Aric Nesbitt for years and he will protect our conservative values in the State Senate. When Aric was in the State House, he spent much time listening to us and our community and he wasn’t even our Legislator at the time. I feel that Aric is best prepared in bringing our conservative, West Michigan values to Lansing. He is a pro-life, Constitutional conservative who graduated from Hillsdale College. Please join with me and vote for Aric Nesbitt for Michigan State Senate in the Republican Primary on August 7th.”

James Pitsch, Supervisor, Salem Township

“Aric Nesbitt will be an excellent state senator as he has the skills required to solve Michigan’s toughest problems. He is someone with integrity, fortitude and communication skills.”

Cyndi Trobeck, Mayor, City of Otsego

“Aric Nesbitt understands what it means to be a representative of the people. He works hard to gain the knowledge and understanding needed to serve Allegan County and West Michigan. Aric is the leader we need to keep Michigan moving forward!”

Gary Dewey, Treasurer, Laketown Township

“Aric grew up on a sixth-generation dairy and grape farm and understands the value of hard work and our rural way of life. Aric will work to defend our conservative, West Michigan values, and to strengthen the economy, pay down debt, and limit government. Please join with me and vote for Aric Nesbitt for Michigan State Senate in the Republican Primary on August 7th.”

Mike VanDenBerg, Supervisor, Gun Plain Township

“Since I’ve known Aric, he has been a fighter for his constituents. He is willing to make the tough decisions. It is easy for anyone to claim they are conservative by being a contrarian and voting “no”. Aric actually looks for conservative solutions. Aric is not out there to pad his resume, he is a problem solver, a true public servant. Vote for Aric August 7th, and be better served.”

Jason Watts, Allegan

“Aric Nesbitt has the proven track record of taking the tough votes needed to get Michigan back to work by cutting taxes, balancing budgets, and creating economic opportunity through regulatory and tort reform. Michigan job-creators, workers, and families need Aric’s continued leadership in the State Senate.”

Friends of Housing Endorsement